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B Plus - Special Portable Fire Extinguishers for Class B Fires

B Plus - Special Portable Fire Extinguishers for Class B Fires

  • Every fire has a unique characteristic, based on the kind of fuel the fire is burning upon. Using a wrong extinguisher on the wrong class of fire can be fatal, for an example using water based extinguishers on ESF not only aggravates the situation but also aids the spread of the fire.

    So what do you do when you are faced with a high risk of class B fires i.e. fires on inflammable liquids like petrol, diesel, etc.? You go for B+.

    Ceasefire’s Premium Range of B+ extinguishers is a highly effective extinguisher. This mighty fire fighting equipment encapsulates the fire fighting potential of a 16 kg extinguisher into a 4 kg one, making it 4 times more powerful and 4 times effective than other extinguishers.

    The range conforms to the most stringent and quality conscious international certifying bodies like Bre, Bsi and Eurocert.

Call us : 1800 120 3473 / 9540 666 666

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